
Friday, June 15, 2007

Tutorial Block Embellished

I couldn't just leave it naked, could I?
Plus, I wanted to work with the materials I put in my Jump Start Packs to prove to myself that indeed there are enough supplies included to create a fun block even without adding another thing (not counting the interfacing and muslin).
I only had two skeins of cotton floss to work with, but I varied them quite a bit by changing the thicknesses I used (from 1 strand all the way up to 7). I mixed the two colors, too, to get a third color out of them.
This is meant to be a teaching block for people who have never CQed before, so the stitches are basic...but these progenitors of the heavily embellished crazies of today look fine, just as they are! I do tip my hat here to Debra Spincic whose Little Flower Urchins crazy quilt you must go see if you haven't been following along on her progress (she is almost done). She has created many circle flowers and they inspired me when it came time to use the buttons I included in each Pack.

I also limited my stitches to just the ones I am included in my little hand-out that goes in the Pack.

My attempts at drawing these were so laughable that I figured I could sew them much more easily!

I have received orders for 9 of the Jump Start Packs so far, to my complete amazement. I think I might have to set up shop here, maybe on Etsy...later in the summer....thanks to you kind ladies who have shown your interest!


  1. The block looks really cute! I like basic, personally, not really big on encrusting. The flowers with the button centers are great. You get the etsy going, and I guarantee to stop by once a month to buy a pack. I have no trouble putting colors or fabrics together, but sometimes it's fun to work with someone else's palette.

  2. I'm right there with Susan about the shop! Just roughly, how long did it take you to embroider the block to the point you blogged it? I'm really slow at the moment, but partly because I like to think through umpteen colour combinations before I start, and then change my mind : )

  3. I think you should include French Knot in the instructions along with the Stem Stitch, which I find in even the simplest embroidery kits when I look at them. With those 2 stitches and the straight stitch, an embroiderer can go a long way.

    It's kind of nice to return to the roots of what we do every now and then to look at it with fresh eyes. I am enjoying this process quite a bit!

  4. I agree with Debra about the stem stitches and French knots!! That is exciting - However, I am already a bit more advanced from studying your work so closely. heeheehee. I show needlepoint stitches that way - right on the canvas, enlarged on my photocopy machine. Looks better than my crummy drawings. French knots seem to dress up an area - kind of loose and flowery effect. I use them when I can't think of anything else to fill in the gaps.

  5. Stem stitch and French knots it is, then!
    Judith, the embroidery took about 3 hours...

  6. The block looks great. I don't think you will have any trouble selling your starter packs.

  7. Excellent idea to show the actual stitching as opposed to just drawings. Your piecing tutorial was really good, too! Your class is going to be so much fun, for you and the students.

  8. That block is beautiful with just the simple stitches. I love those button daisies. Maybe this is what I can do while I'm a lounge chair potato with this asthma attack and chomping at the bit because I can't walk or garden. What is the fusible interfacing you use? I have the fabric from Debra and floss and needlepoint yarns but no interfacing, and I'm not able to go shopping. I wonder if Denise has something I could use at the Creative Cloth Closet in Canon City.

  9. Cute, cute, cute! Yep, those circle flowers with the buttons have Debra written all over em.

  10. Yep, I agree, very cute, but then everything you do is BEAUTIMOUS!


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