
Thursday, June 21, 2007

2 Posts Not to Miss...

Two of my favorite friends have really good posts on their blogs that I heartily urge you to go see if you haven't yet.
The first one is from Debra Spincic. It is her "Little Flower Urchins" crazy quilt, just completed. It is just so adorable...she has created magic with her stitching, fabrics, and the sweet photo transferred images. She made it as part of this year's Hoffman Challenge and it is smashing! She has lots of pictures of this quilt in progress in preceeding posts, too; for good close up detail shots look there.
The second post I want you to see if from my dear friend in Austin, Judy Harper. Judy has been known nationally for many years as a needlepoint designer...but now she has been bitten by the crazy quilt bug too! Her current explorations are to capture the feel of crazy quilts in needlepoint, using combinations of stitches, materials, and patterns that definitely evoke crazy quilting, but are still true to needlepoint. The post I link to here is a slide show she did of her needlepoint lace. Check out the way she made that lace "turn the corner" so perfectly, too. Earlier posts on her blog show some needlepoint "crazy quilt" hearts she is working on, and other experiments too. Just really lovely...
I am so lucky to have such talented friends!


  1. and I am so lucky to have such wonderful inspiration to work (copy) from. Thanks a bunch. I need you to finish embellishing those corner blocks when you get decompressed from your talk. I'm choosing threads for those now. Debra's work is great!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. What lovely inspirational work. There are so many talented people out there and it's such a pleasure to discover their work. Thank you for sharing your friends.

  3. Thank you for the lovely eye candy! Those needlepoint designs are lovely -- now if I could convince my mother to pick up her sewing needle again...

  4. I'm so glad you did that link to Judy's slide show. Our quilters need to get acquainted with her work.

  5. Aw, aren't you sweet?! Thanks for the enthusiastic endorsement!


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