
Thursday, May 31, 2007

A New Crazy Quilt Project Begins....

For the last month I have been mostly working on something I can't share with you sister and I are developing a little business idea that is far from ready for the public eye...but after all that work I am taking a breather and am embarking on a small new crazy quilt which has me very excited!
What happened to my Fan Quilt, well underway as it is? It is sleeping until winter comes. I found that I just didn't want to be working with those rich warm colors at this time of year. Spring and summer around here mean I just couldn't resist a new little project using my computer printed florals. We have to go where the Muse leads us, for sure.
Another reason for this little project is I have a Decorating Need. This quilt is actually being designed for a specific spot in my home...o.k. so it is my newly remodeled guest bathroom. You can never, never know how happy I am about this new bathroom. The old one was so scary!

See that inviting blank space next to the medicine cabinet? I purposefully chose a small cabinet to leave room for a quilt on this wall. After all, what would anyone rather look at, their own self naked or a beautiful quilt? If you are my age, this is a no brainer....

Here are the fabrics I have printed and pulled so far. I also dug out my collection of vintage hankies, thinking their prints would be a nice contrast to the photographs.

These hand-embroidered squares are from Assisi, Italy. A friend went there on pilgrimage a few years back and brought them home to me. I have been saving them....for just this occasion! In my sewing room I have a Santo from New Mexico of Santa Clara--Claire--who is the patron saint of embroiders and of course lived in Assisi herself. I love Claire.

Here is a close up of the printed fabrics next to some of the hankies. The two dogwoods next to each other is my kind of pun....
This is going to be a 9 Patch, about 28" square. I am going to start in on piecing the blocks this morning. What joy!!!

Thank you, Claire....


  1. I had a feeling the fan quilt was not going to be showing its face this summer. I brought home 2 big wool quilts I made in the 1990s from Brent's house to wash. As they came out of the dryer, I sighed and thanked my lucky stars that I don't have to use wool for quilts anymore. I made them in Chicago and being the frugal student he is, he has been turning off the heat in the winter here and snuggling under them. When I found that out, I really did laugh!

    Your new little wallhanging will be super!

  2. Oh goody, a new masterpiece to watch unfold!

  3. Oh Allie, this looks so good already. You have some lovely fabrics there. Can't wait to watch it grow like a lamb in spring.

  4. Love the color of your counter in the bathroom... the quilt is going to look so fine hanging above it!

    I finally found a copy of the $100,000 Quilt Mag... good article on you and your quilt... it would be very cool if you could make it to the final spot!!

  5. I love St. Clare too - I did her in needlepoint a few years ago - best seller, she was. she sought refuge with St. Francis to avoid marriage to an awful man her dad picked out for her. smart lady. The fabrics are YUMMY!! Looking forward to seeing this project develop. JAH

  6. This will be a taste of spring in your bathroom!
    Lovely prints; I love dogwood flowers so much... and yours are perfect!
    Beginning a new project is so stimulating, good luck!

  7. What a fun project to start! Those colors just look so yummy!

  8. Oh, I am so lucky to have had the inaugural guest pee in that bathroom. Is that tacky to mention? You know I don't care!

  9. So now we know the secret_St. Clare; where can I get one? Maybe I should needlepoint one, do you think Judy has any more of those canvases?


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