
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Flower Fabric

So now I've started printing these things up with the idea of cutting them up later and putting them into my next crazy quilt....
I'm obviously not spending as much time with needle in hand these has been more like the wheelbarrow, garden fork, and hose....but the weather is supposed to get cool and rainy this week-end, so I'll have the excuse to stay inside and sew.


  1. What a delicious color scheme this would provide!!!

  2. How often are you running to town for new ink cartridges?

  3. Oh... pretty colors! Whatever you use it for it's gonna be gorgeous!

  4. Those will be the most gorgeous fabrics ever! Some fabric company needs to hire you as a designer. I know what you mean about gardening equipment, this time of the year. It takes flowers to make flower fabric.

  5. That fabric is waaaaay cool! I'm laughing about what Debra said about ink cartridges...

  6. Allie, These floral collages are just beautiful. They are just joyful to behold. A tote bag sounds wonderful.


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