
Saturday, April 7, 2007

TAST Bonnet Stitch

The Take A Stitch Tuesday challenge brought us the Bonnet Stitch this week. I love learning new stitches, and right now the best way for me to learn them is to put them to use on my Fan Quilt.

Your basic Bonnet stitch.

This time I made the line of stitches create a diagonal and added a second color and stitch to make this an official seam treatment.

The Bonnet stitch is like an ultra cool cross stitch to I tried combining them.

The Bonnet stitch lends itself well to creating curves where you need them.

I got a new camera and am just starting to figure it out...that's why the colors are a bit washed out here...the flash is too bright, etc. The menu for Nikon CoolPix P5000 is a little daunting, but I think I am going to really love getting fluent with all the capacities this incredible piece of equipment has to offer...

1 comment:

  1. Tuned in (before Chicago Quilt Festival) to see what you've been doing, which as usual is a LOT! Love the "H" ~ it really fits the fan quilt's personality! Thanks for the tutorial ~ I could do it from that! Slide show ran slowly, but was fun. Your variations on the bonnet stitch are fun too.


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