
Tuesday, April 3, 2007

"H", Embroidered

Thanks for the nice comments about my little tutorial...and about my wonderful uncle...
I spent part of yesterday embroidering the seams on the H, and those behind it. I went with all white for two reasons: one, was to tie this center square in with the fans....the fans are the only elements in the quilt that have any white in them; two, was to bring the center block forward just a bit visually....white (or lighter value) will do that.
I like the old-timey look, too.

Here is an example of H's work with water colors....theses amazing gems would arrive in the mail unexpectedly and bring such joy....


  1. I like the homey look of the white stitching, too.

    Such a lovely watercolor. What a talent!

  2. Wow, I can taste the salt and feel the wind tugging my hair. This is a place I can sit for hours, thinking about nothing important, simply enjoying being there.

    Your embroidered H has strength of character, it is a fitting tribute to the man you describe.


  3. I covet that painting - looks like the north Florida that I loved. Total stress relief and cobwebs blown away. How wonderful to have had that man in your life - I'm sure he is smiling at the quilt and loving it.

  4. That H is going to make the quilt a real jewel.

    H's watercolor is so alive, you can almost feel and smell the sea.

    Creative genes must run in your family.

  5. Lovely Allie. Thanks for the tutorial!

  6. Really really beautiful ( both your H & the painting). Oh, & H could also stand for Hardman!

  7. Lovely! How that will stand out. And you did it so quickly, at least from the point of view of others--The painting is beautiful too. I love the little bit of purple that he put in.

  8. Thanks for the letter tutorial. Very easy to understand. What a great tribute to your uncle Hal to have this in the center of your quilt. I love the white stitching on it!

    He was quite an artist. I always wish I could be, but things never come out the way I can see them in my head. He was able to really make the viewer be there.

  9. Your stitching is wonderful as usual! I love the contrast you added to this letter.

    The watercolor is stunning too!


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