
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Floral Mandala Quilt

This was inevitable.
I just had to see how these floral arrangements would look printed up, sewn into a little quilt, and embellished. Nothing elaborate or time-consuming...I tried one of these a year and a half ago and enjoyed it...quilted that one. This time I just wanted to see what I could whip up pretty quickly.
There was a host of new technical challenges that awaited me, so that was fun. Everything from how to lay out the flowers to get the values in the right places (just starting to figure that out), how to get the fabric through my printer easily (ditto), which fabric to use (still experimenting). How can I lay out my flowers to get patterns within patterns in my simple nine patch arrangement? Another question to pursue...

So here is my first crack at this idea....

This measures about 15" X 15".

There is a nifty article by Diana Ricks in the new CQMagOnline about how to make these velvet roses. Mine don't look as articulate as hers do, but it doesn't really matter than much. They are fun!


  1. Scrumptious! I've been looking for patterns for dimensional flowers, thanks for the link.

  2. Allison...this is absolutely gorgeous!

  3. Oh dear!!! What a beautiful thing to see after 48 hours with no computer!!! It is worth the deprivation I suffered. Those are breathtakingly beautiful. You will convert me to quilting after all, I think. JAH
    P.S. After the trauma of the "big move" I needed this. Thanks for the uplifting eyecandy.

  4. Beautiful piece. You've really been exploring flowers lately. I loved the velvet rose tutorial, and yours look good to me. I don't use velvet, so I probably won't make any, but it really looks pretty on yours.

  5. Inevitable! Very pretty & opens up another design opportunity for you to explore--like you "need" that!! LOL! Rather reminds me of buying the embroidery machine-I had plenty to do creatively before it showed up. I may never run out of ideas-I think it is the same with you!

  6. I don't quite get what it is you're doing with running the fabric through the printer. Is there a previous post I need to read?

  7. What a cool idea! Very creative! Yes, I see lots of opportunities here.


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