
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Fifis

My sister-in-law, me, and my sister, thirty-two swift years ago...we were in a most compromised state of mind for 10:00 a.m., but this was the 1970's after all.
We have straightened right up since then...but we still have a great, great time together.
As the children came and various dramas ensued (especially with girl children), we three moms had to occasionally band together and make very unpopular stands against the Infidels...hence our name, the (occaisionallyEvil) Fifis. We wear it with pride, though the children have long since straightened up as well.
We three are getting together this week...along with the Petitite Fifi, my sister's five year old daughter. So I will be gone from home from this Wednesday through Monday morning. My sis is an owner in a private resort called Warner Springs Ranch, an hour and a half from San Diego, where the hot pool awaits us! But they have WiFi in the lodge so I won't be cut off from you glad about that. Three days there...
(And just so this post is slightly textile related) part of my trip to San Diego will include attending the opening of the Visions Art Quilt Gallery in San Diego on Saturday night. The prestigious Visions show finally has a home of its own...and to open their new gallery they are having a retrospective show of work by my Point Bonita friend, Miriam Nathan-Roberts It is a huge and well-deserved honor for Miriam, and I want to be there to add my accolades. The Fifis will attend. I will take as many pictures as I am allowed, to share with you...Miriam's quilts are in a class by themselves, and the opening will be jammed with all the artily-dressed middle-aged people you could hope to see. I expect Miriam to be switched on to Electric Mode, for sure!
More anon....til then, Happy Stitching You All!


  1. A "most compromised state of mind" was a fairly common place to be in the 70's. ;0) Such a great picture.

    Have fun!!

  2. Ahhh, the 70s... What a wonderful time that was to be young and free. I guess any time is, but the 70s were magic. We did grow up after all. Kinda.

    Have a wonderful time with the fifis. And the wifis. It's a beautiful time of year in San Diego.

  3. Please do have a most wonderful time together - and tell us all about it when you get back!!

  4. All that long hair! My dad just about had a stroke when I came home for Christmas my first semester away at school with short hair!

    I saw a girl hung over the sink in the communal dorm bathroom the first week of my freshman year and that was enough to keep me on the straight and narrow!

    Have fun! It must be great to have a sister!

  5. Aren't you three beautiful! Looking forward to the pictures of the show. Have a wonderful time.

  6. You don't look much older in the photo on the Mexican beach. Look forward to seeing the photos from San Diego.

  7. I'm sure you are having a marvelous time! I loved the picture. You and your sister look a lot alike. Those were the days! LOL!

  8. Allie, I love that photo. What a happy time!!!! You and your sis look so much alike.

  9. Great pic and you haven't changed a bit, well perhaps you don't wear your tartan dressing gown in public anymore???


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