
Friday, March 30, 2007

Take A Stitch Tuesday...Barred Chain

I am having to multi-task here, combining my TAST with ongoing work on my Fan Quilt. I have created a seam treatment with the barred chain as its base.
This is not "pushing the envelope" with what this stitch can do, which is the goal of TAST. But it is getting the barred chain moving through my fingers at least.

Those infinitely cool little buttons came to me in the mail from my generous friend, Freda Butler. They are vintage, from Czechoslovakia. Thank you so much, Freda!

I am finding that on this quilt I am wanting to repeat seam treatments around the center section. I think it is a unifying here is another version of the barred chain, sequins, beads, and awesome buttons. They are so odd!

1 comment:

  1. Those really are wonderful buttons. I was also struck by the stitches on top of the rick rack--intriquing. I love to see what you do.


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