
Sunday, March 25, 2007

A "Sane" Quilt!

...That's what we crazy quilters call cotton bed quilts. And I am embarked on making one for the first time in many moons. As in years.
This quilt is headed for a returning service woman who is in recovery from wounds suffered during the war. I am honored to be making it for her.
I didn't need to buy any fabric for this, but instead dipped into my remaining stash of cottons. (I culled most of them a few years ago.) It was like being reunited with old friends, truly! I've had some of these fabrics for 15 years at least.
Not being an intricate piecer, I am using a vintage quilt that I saw at the Point Bonita Show and Tell this year as my inspiration.

Instead of three small blocks per large square, I am only using two. It will be very simple, with the fabrics' colors and designs doing the work, I hope. I will quilt the large squares in spirals, which I always do.
Here are my squares! They are a history of my life, in a way.... ;-)

I have another stash that I've slowly been adding to over the last several years, of repro fabrics. I just might have to make two of these quilts...

Why yes, these are organized, don't you think so?


  1. As a sane quilter, while I think your work is beautiful, I do think crazy is the right word. That quilt is lovely and I am sure yours will be equally so. How kind of you to make one for someone so injured.

  2. How did you take a picture of my closet where the fabric stash is? That is just to the left of the beads and threads stash. That quilt warms the heart to look at it - I will send you what remains of my batik stash from the "knitting with rags" phase. (as well as continued prayers for the soldiers and sailors - my son is one.) Hope you can use it. JAH

  3. Good mto see you back. Your vacation sounded lovely.

    I like the simple piecing pattern.
    I've almost nodded off at machine when trying to do that sort of work. I don't like to do straight piecing much. Much more fun to be a little crazy!

  4. They look organized to me!

    I think the fabrics you have chosen will be delightful in that sanely pieced pattern. What fun!

  5. Organization is in the eye of the beholder!

    The original quilt is a very pretty comfortable looking quilt. I am sure you will do it justice and it will be loved by another woman. Thank you for taking the time to contribute a quilt!

  6. Your quilt will be beautiful. Isn't it amazing the way these little bits trigger so many memories?

  7. Those lovely flowered fabrics still look like you. You can call it flowered sanity or something like that.


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