
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Crazy for Flowers's Big Adventure

It was a really fun phone call to get this morning...from the editor of the $100,000 Quilting Challenge magazine telling me that "Crazy for Flowers" has been selected as one of the ten winning quilts in the Spring 2007 issue, representing the Crazy Patch category. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to enter!
I have purchased all four issues of the magazine to date, and have found the quilts chosen to be wonderful; the additional articles by knowledgeable quilters are top notch, too. I have let most of my old quilting subscriptions lapse lately, but this magazine has been consistently good and worth reading.
As one of the eventual 40 finalist quilts from all 10 categories for 2007, Crazy for Flowers will travel to lots of quilt shows in the next year, including the Chama Outdoor Quilt Show in Chama, N.M. (I LOVE Chama....), Quilt Odyssy 2007 in Hershey, PA, the American Quilters Society Expo in Nashville, and the Quilt Market and IQS shows in Houston in the fall. If you are going to any of those shows, stop by my quilt and say hi to it for me!
Here are a couple details from the quilt, which readers of my old blog will recognize...having traveled seam by seam through its entire construction with me during seven months of last year! Thanks so much for your encouragement along the way (remember the "red rash"?)....and a special tip of my hat goes to Sharon Boggon for the inspiration from her 100 Details in 100 Days while I was working on this quilt.
The Spring Issue comes out June 6....but don't miss the Winter Issue for sale on March 27th, because that issue's featured crazy quilter is none other than Martha Green I in good company or what?


  1. Oh! How exciting!!! Congratulations! I will be watching for it in the magazine.

    Your work is magnificent, such an inspiration!

  2. Well done you - you must be very excited. It is a gorgeous piece

  3. Congratulations! This really is an amazing piece. Love the colors!

  4. Congratulations Allie! Your work is fantastic.

  5. Farout, Allie! Very august company there, lady!! Can't wait to read the article.

  6. Hooray!!! And so well deserved. This quilt is just beautiful beyond words. Congratulations

  7. Congratulations!! Well done!

    I will definitely be able to gaze upon Crazy for Flowers' beauty at IQF!

  8. Congratulations! I'm so delighted that you have this special honor, Allison. I enjoyed watching the posts about this quilt and thought it was exquisite. I'm excited to think so many people will be able to see and enjoy it while it travels.

  9. It is so heartwarming to hear from you gals...thank you so much!!!!

  10. Allison,

    I am so happy for you. What an exquisite honor for you, and one you so richly deserve. I began viewing your old blog about half-way through the quilt, and everytime I saw your work, I'd gasp. You are something else, girl!

    Also thanks you so much for the kind words and advice on my blocks. To have YOU say that my blocks are lovely is a compliment of the highest caliber. I plan on puttin up some scans of my stitching later today. Perhaps if you have time you would give them a glance.


  11. Congratulations Allison. You certainly deserve it - it is a magnificent quilt.
    I just found your blog, and am so glad that I did. I'm going to go back to read some old posts.

  12. A much deserved honor for you and lucky for all the show attendees to be able to see Crazy for Flowers in person!!! Congratulations! Thanks for the pictures; they're scrumptious! xxoo R

  13. Thank you SO MUCH for looking at my work and for all the wonderful compliments. Actually, all the pictures are parts of the same block. If you scroll down to "other works", it is the last block shown. It's about 15"x15", so wouldn't fit on the scanner bed. Thanks again. I feel even more inspired.

  14. It's only fitting that Crazy For Flowers should be featured in the magazine! It's a magnificent work of art. Kudos on your accomplishment.

  15. Congratulations! That is wonderful! I have a few issues from last year and it is a very nicely done magazine and contest - quite an honor. Your work is beautiful and will fit in great.

  16. How fabulous! We have reservations at the Rio Chama RV park for June next year, and I was thinking maybe we should cancel, but this sounds like I will have to go afterall, just to see your quilt. Are you going to be there, too? We usually go in the fall, but because of the show, we changed to June, even though the cottonwood stuff gives my allergies fits, and the little no-see-ums bite me to death.

  17. Allison hooray, hooray, hooray! Now I'll go back and read the rest of the piece! This is so great!

  18. This is so wonderful and well-deserved. I'm only sorry that I'm not going to see the quilt in person, but I'll sure buy the magazine. Celebrate!

  19. Allison I am glad I found you. Shall change my link accordingly. Congratulations on your quilt.

  20. Allie!!! How fantastic! Congratulations. You have such a fantastic style - it's no wonder you got the call - they HAD to pick yours - it soooooooo beautiful!
    I got to help hang the 2006 winners at Road To California in was terrific to see them up close..I hope I get to see yours 'up close and personal' next year!

  21. Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I can't wait to see this incredible work of art at IQF. Woohoo! And I can say, "That's my friend Allie's!"

  22. How fantastic! You deserve it, that is such a fantabulous quilt. Chama, I can make it to Chama and see Crazy for Flowers in person!!! Look forward to reading about it in the magazine.

  23. Congratulations on this wonderful recognition. It's so nice to re-visit some of the images from your beautiful quilt.

  24. WOW! I have been away too long, look how many replies so far! I just want to say you have my vote and heartfelt congratulations.It would be such a wonderful thing for you to win. Just being one of the finalists was enough for me, and now I feel like I get to go through the wait again with such a talented dear friend. Very excited for you dear Allie.It is so gorgeous, bright, and cheerful.


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