Thursday, February 8, 2007

26 Years and Counting

We really were dairy farmers when we first got married. This picture was taken in 1981 on the steps of the sauna my Robert built for us on the ranch...down there on the Oregon Coast in Coos County. We sold our milk to the Bandon Cheese Factory.
Those grubby paws of mine sure hadn't embellished anything yet!
We did a good impression of Ma and Pa Kettle, I think...
Happy Anniversary, Darlin!


Barbara C said...

Congratulations! What a lovely portrait!

Deb Hardman said...

Cute photo. Happy anniversary.

I'm so glad to see you're back! I've been checking periodically.

The cats were cute. I can see why yours got viewers choice. Yes working on dolls can be pure fun.

Debra Dixon said...

Just crazy in LUV! great photo!

Rian said...

Aww, how sweet. Happy Anniversary!

Susan said...

Oh, shades of Mother Earth News! That's a great picture. =)

Lin Moon said...

Congrats! Did you ever in your wildest dreams think you'd be married to someone for 26 years? I'm glad to see you're back - I hope you didn't lose all those great pix of crazy with flowers, etc. Always great to see what you're working on - the blank cat with paints day sounds like great fun!

sharonb said...

I love this photo - congrats - its an achievment today

I have just realised why I like the photo so much you look a little like my sister when she was young - how strange is that?

Jane Ann said...

Allie, that's the sweetest picture! I love it.

So glad to see you back.

BöskeZ said...

Happy Anniversary To both of you Allie! True love is wonderful.
It makes you so strong against any thing that can happen.

Sonji Hunt said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Glad your blog is back.

Anonymous said...

You look just the same!!!!!!!!!! I miss Robert's beard!!!!!!! Buttermilk-Kale quiche anyone! seester

Marty52 said...

Better late then never... just want to say you look so happy and sooooo tired!! LOL! Dairy farming is hard work!

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

Allie, you to are such a cute couple! How sweet, and Happy Anniversary to you a little late.

Granny Fran said...

What an adorable photo! Did you have holsteins or was it jerseys or guernseys? I have friends who used to run the biggest dairy farm in Kansas. When they left it, he always said if anything black and white came on his property, he would shoot it.
Your purple heart is gorgeous, so rich and yummy.

allie aller said...

Fran, we had a mixed herd, Holsteins and Jerseys....Holsteins for their ability to produce milk in quantity, Jerseys for the high butterfat content of their milk (we had one cow who gave 7.5% milk in winter! The high fiber from the hay makes for higher butterfat and protein content....I have a wealth of dairy knowledge that is dormant in my brain, but ready to leap out at any opportunity.)
My husband likes to say that at this point he would rather fly over a cow at 35,000 feet than milk one!