
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

1200 Detached Chain Stitches Later....

...oh, and that is plus 400 blanket stitches. I've been working on embellishing the brown trim that surrounds the center section of the Fan Quilt.
I took a flying leap and decided to push on the blue quotient of the quilt a bit...then brought in some purple and bright pink to lift up that heavy brown. I like it o.k., but I think I will love it when I fight back against this sweetie pie emphasis with some heavy orange and acid green in the center seam treatments.

Once all those blue loopies were done, I glue basted the cording into place instead of pinning it. Slick and easy, it worked great.

A close up of the border treatment, and also of some of Susan Else's fabric that I had appliqued on.
More orange, more orange...!!!


  1. As you can see by the time, I have checked often today for a post!! Those 1200 were worth the time and effort - looking good! It's taking shape and looking more like "you."

  2. You smart thing, you... basting with glue is MUCH easier than anything else on that long a stretch of cording. I'll have to mark that down in my book of hints!!

    Oh, yes... definitely more orange!

  3. I love your edits to this piece. It's looking more and more dramatic.

  4. and to think, I have been handsewing all that ribbon and trim in place before attaching it with embroidery stitches. . .

    With a little tweak here and a little tweak there your piece is becoming quite a work of art!

  5. Wow, this is looking good! I know exactly what you mean by the "sweetie pie" look (a phrase to remember), but I don't see it here. The gold somehow cuts it already. But orange and acid green will definitely do it!

  6. P.S. I really like the blanket stitches holding the cord. I'll remember that. Thanks!

  7. Looking good! Orange would be good. The glue is a godsend, no?

  8. Your sense of color is fantastic! Reading your comments is just like having a book of tips and trics on the hand.
    Waiting for looking more ...


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