
Sunday, September 3, 2017

View My New Episode on The Quilt Sjhow!

Here is the link to my show:

There is a trailer at that link to give you a peek.  Subscribers can see the whole show.

It was a joy to work with such a team of talented and truly joyful professionals.  They brilliantly structured my show so that information from my new book on stained glass quilting was presented so clearly. We had two great demo sessions and looked at a lot of quilts. I am really grateful for the opportunity, and the wonderful experience, too.

Click on the book's cover over on the sidebar here, below my profile photo, and it will take you to Amazon, where you can order my book, if you are inspired to learn more.  But meanwhile, this week enjoy the show for free!

Thank you so much, Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims.  You are the best!