
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Some News! and a Garden Tour

I have been busy for the last 4 months preparing and then submitting a book proposal to C & T Publishing for my third book with them.  It is with great joy that I can report that the proposal has been accepted!

This is why I have posted almost no work since the beginning of the year, and why I will also have to keep what I'm sewing on under wraps for the rest of this year too.  I hate that part, not being able to share what's happening!  But the book is not what you might be expecting, and therefore risky...and that really adds to the fun for me.  So it will be a surprise.

But when I am not working on it, I am gardening.  The two passions feed off each other, as most quilters will tell you.

So here is a brief garden tour...we are 4 weeks ahead of most springs because of the mild and dry season.  It's been heavenly.....

Things have only just barely gotten started out here!
Lots of color and sunshine to come....
And thanks for being patient...  ;-)