
Friday, January 30, 2015

The Joyful Embellishments Stitch Along Series

Hi Everyone!
I love being published but the downside is that when I am working on things for future publication, I can't blog about them.  So you haven't seen much of me here on the blog lately.

But the Joyful Embellishments Stitch Along, hosted by my co-author and dear friend Val Bothell over on Facebook, is purely for the personal pleasure of it, so I'll be posting my stitches once a week here.

We are already a month into it.  The way it works is, Val presents a photo of a stitch variation every week day, and then we either replicate it or use it as a jumping off point for our own designs.  You can kind of guess which way I'm going with that one!

Mostly this is because I have a pieced crazy quilt top all ready to receive the stitches, but the scale I want to use is much larger than Val's delicate fine stitching.  Plus, all these flowers started creeping in on mine.  Wouldn't you know it!

Here is the quilt top:

Well, there is another border but I'll show that at the end.

In order to catch up, here are my first 19 stitches (not in chronological order, sorry!)  There was one seam I just could not photograph well!

These are ALL variations on the feather stitch.


And here is the quilt with all those seams in place:

It might grow another border before the year is out.  Because yes, this series is going to go on all year.

February's stitch is the herringbone.  My favorite!