
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Shauna's Gift

I have a very generous, warm-hearted friend.

Shauna's mother saved her mother's linens for years and years.  After her mother passed away, Shauna has slowly gone through her things and has decided to part with some of them.  When I saw her recently in California, she gave me a large bag full of treasure.

I've become more and more interested in incorporating vintage textiles into my work--just ask eBay about all the quilt blocks and fabrics I've been bidding on.  This lace trove here will keep me engaged for months.

There are doilies....

...and more doilies.

Lots and lots of the lace is crocheted.  Isn't that rick rack neat in its lace incarnation?

Some of the pieces are very fine and very old.

Just breathtaking to me, from another age entirely.

I can't wait to get to work with these new elements.  The second book is coming along very well, so I'll be able to venture forth into this new direction in a little while....

Thanks for stopping by!  I know I've been rather piano lately.....