
Sunday, September 2, 2012

"Pretty Crazy" Class Sample Embroidered

I am home from my trip and my travel preparations of my 4 block class sample paid off...not a single bit of fraying occurred, my blocks stayed nicely sewn together, all was well for the embroidery.

I kept the stitching simple, as this is a sample for the Essential Crazy Quilt Stitches classes that I will be teaching in the next several months.  And you know what?  Sometimes, simple is great!  There is no "bling" on this project, just stitching like in the old days....of course, they didn't have the beautiful hand dyed variegated threads from all over the world to play with like we do....

What was also fun about this project was combining such disparate fabrics: feedsacks, 30's repros, silk brocade, quilters cotton...and of course, the various trims added so much to the mix.
And that is what crazy quilting is all about, for me...the mix.....